3MT Competition
The Three Minute Thesis (3MT) is a competition for those who recently completed their MA or PhD degrees. Contestants are expected to present the highlights of their theses or dissertations in 3 minutes. This competition also aims to provide contestants with the opportunity to hone and showcase their research communication skills through an unedited video presentation. The 3MT is divided into two categories: MA Category and PhD Category.
The first 3MT was conducted in 2008 at the University of Queensland, Australia. Because of the significant impact of the 3MT in promoting and advancing the work of young and budding researchers, it has now been adopted by numerous universities all over the world. This is the first time that a Philippine-hosted conference introduces the 3MT concept.​
The videos will be evaluated based on the following criteria:
Content (50%): Did the presentation clearly establish the relevance of the research question? Were the methods and findings clearly explained? Was the impact and significance of the research effectively discussed?
Communication (50%): Was the speaker’s style clear, especially for a non-specialist audience? Are transitions between different topics or points smooth and seamless? Was the visual aid helpful? Did the speaker showcase his/her credibility and passion for the research?
The first round of the competition will be for the initial judging to draw a shortlist. Shortlisted contestants will be required to register to proceed to the final round. Video presentations will be played in the Plenary Hall during the Conference on Day 1 for the PhD Category and Day 2 for the MA Category for the final round. Results of the competition will be announced during the Closing Ceremony on Day 3.
Interested graduate students should submit a recording of their video on or before September 30, 2023.
Those qualified to participate in 3MT must fulfill the following conditions:
Have recently completed their graduate program
Have completed their thesis or dissertation over the past 3 years
Those with an accepted paper, poster, or colloquium presentation may be qualified to participate as long as the topic is different from their thesis/dissertation.
Video presentations are limited to three minutes. Contestants who exceed the time limit will be automatically disqualified.
Contestants can only use one single, static, and unanimated slide (if the contestant has access to a projector or a big screen) or printed poster (if no access to a projector or a screen). The use of movements or animations of any kind is not permitted.
The presentation should not be accompanied by additional audiovisual materials (e.g., sound files, video presentations, background music).
Contestants are not allowed to use props (e.g., costumes, equipment, virtual backgrounds).
Presentations must be in spoken word form (i.e., no “creative takes” such as singing, dancing, poetry reading, etc.).
Contestants should record their talk using a device that has a reasonable resolution level. Smartphones can be sufficient, but Zoom recordings are also possible. To ensure the good quality of the sound recording, contestants are advised to use a microphone during the recording (e.g., plug-in microphone, earphones, earbuds).
The full body of the participant as well as the visual aid must be seen throughout the recording.
Participants are not allowed to splice, crop, or edit the video in any way. They are also not allowed to add audiovisual cues (e.g., captions, floating texts, etc.).
The following prize packages will be given to the best 3MT presentations in the MA and PhD categories:
MA Category: ₱5000 + Certificate of Recognition
PhD Category: ₱7000 + Certificate of Recognition
Results of the competition will also be published in all social media platforms of ICALLE.
Click here to submit your presentation. Shortlist results from the initial judging will be announced on October 10, 2023.
For questions or concerns, email the ICALLE 2023 Conference Secretariat at icalle.deal@gmail.com.